
Valerian root Tincture

Valeriana officinalis

Valerian is one of the most useful herbal relaxants available. It has a role in any condition which has a strong nervous element, especially gut and skin problems that are worsened by stress. It can lower blood pressure due to anxiety and aid in restful sleep. Its ability to relax smooth and skeletal muscle make it useful in muscle tension, tension headaches and period pain. It is no surprise that in the Middle ages valerian was known as 'all-heal'. It combines well with hops, kava kava or passionflower for insomnia; kava kava for panic attacks; crampbark for IBS; lemon balm for anxiety related palpitations and anxiety feelings; black haw bark and ginger for period pains. Suitable for children.

Avoid if taking sleeping tablets. High blood pressure should aways be monitored by a healthcare professional.

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